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Internal dose assessment of 210Po using biokinetic modeling and urinary excretion measurement




The mysterious death of Mr. Alexander Litvinenko who was most possibly poisoned by Polonium-210 (210Po) in November 2006 in London attracted the attention of the public to the kinetics, dosimetry and the risk of this high radiotoxic isotope in the human body. In the present paper, the urinary excretion of seven persons who were possibly exposed to traces of 210Po was monitored. The values measured in the GSF Radioanalytical Laboratory are in the range of natural background concentration. To assess the effective dose received by those persons, the time-dependence of the organ equivalent dose and the effective dose after acute ingestion and inhalation of 210Po were calculated using the biokinetic model for polonium (Po) recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the one recently published by Leggett and Eckerman (L&E). The daily urinary excretion to effective dose conversion factors for ingestion and inhalation were evaluated based on the ICRP and L&E models for members of the public. The ingestion (inhalation) effective dose per unit intake integrated over one day is 1.7 × 10−8 (1.4 × 10−7) Sv Bq−1, 2.0 × 10−7 (9.6 × 10−7) Sv Bq−1 over 10 days, 5.2 × 10−7 (2.0 × 10−6) Sv Bq−1 over 30 days and 1.0 × 10−6 (3.0 × 10−6) Sv Bq−1 over 100 days. The daily urinary excretions after acute ingestion (inhalation) of 1 Bq of 210Po are 1.1 × 10−3 (1.0 × 10−4) on day 1, 2.0 × 10−3 (1.9 × 10−4) on day 10, 1.3 × 10−3 (1.7 × 10−4) on day 30 and 3.6 × 10−4 (8.3 × 10−5) Bq d−1 on day 100, respectively. The resulting committed effective doses range from 2.1 × 10−3 to 1.7 × 10−2 mSv by an assumption of ingestion and from 5.5 × 10−2 to 4.5 × 10−1 mSv by inhalation. For the case of Mr. Litvinenko, the mean organ absorbed dose as a function of time was calculated using both the above stated models. The red bone marrow, the kidneys and the liver were considered as the critical organs. Assuming a value of lethal absorbed dose of 5 Gy to the bone marrow, 6 Gy to the kidneys and 8 Gy to the liver, the amount of 210Po which Mr. Litvinenko might have ingested is therefore estimated to range from 27 to 1,408 MBq, i.e 0.2–8.5 μg, depending on the modality of intake and on different assumptions about blood absorption.
机译:Alexander Litvinenko先生的神秘死亡,最有可能在2006年11月在伦敦被Poonium-210(210Po)毒死,引起了公众对动力学,剂量学和这种高放射性同位素在人体中的风险的关注。在本文中,监测了可能暴露于210Po痕迹的7个人的尿排泄。在GSF放射分析实验室中测得的值在自然本底浓度范围内。为了评估这些人接受的有效剂量,使用国际放射防护委员会建议的po生物动力学模型(Po)计算器官当量剂量和210Po急性摄入和吸入后的有效剂量的时间依赖性( ICRP)和Leggett和Eckerman(L&E)最近出版的一本。根据公众的ICRP和L&E模型,评估了摄入和吸入有效剂量转换因子的每日尿排泄量。一天中每单位摄入量的摄入(吸入)有效剂量为1.7×10−8(1.4×10−7)Sv Bq-1、2.0×10−7(9.6×10−7)Sv Bq-1超过10天,即30天的5.2×10-7(2.0×10-6)Sv Bq-1和100天的1.0×10-6(3.0×10-6)Sv Bq-1。第1天急性摄入(吸入)210 Po的每日尿排泄量在第1天为1.1×10−3(1.0×10−4),在第10天为2.0×10−3(1.9×10−4),1.3×第30天的10−3(1.7×10−4)和第100天的3.6×10−4(8.3×10−5)Bq d-1。假设摄入后产生的有效有效剂量范围从2.1×10-3到1.7×10-2 mSv,通过吸入的范围从5.5×10-2到4.5×10-1 mSv。对于利特维年科先生,使用上述两个模型计算了平均器官吸收剂量随时间的变化。红色的骨髓,肾脏和肝脏被认为是关键器官。假设对骨髓的致死吸收剂量为5 Gy,对肾脏为6 Gy,对肝脏为8 Gy,Litvinenko先生可能摄入的210Po量估计为27至1,408 MBq,即0.2–8.5μg,取决于摄入方式和对血液吸收的不同假设。



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